Nutrion 5 Pro Version Test With Sentinel UltraPro Dongle Clone


About Nutrition

Nutrión is a computerized system for the formulation of balanced feeds. It has been designed to be an advanced and complete formulation system, but at the same time easy to operate and learn. The main objective is to concentrate on the nutritional aspects of the task, avoiding being distracted by computer problems.

Below is a general description of the operation of Nutrión in order to make the learning stage more pleasant and simple, since it is presented as a panoramic vision of what the system’s operation is.
Nutrión’s daily operation is based on four basic blocks: Ingredient Registration, Formulation Process, Results Analysis and Serial Formulation.

The Ingredients Registry allows you to store the main nutritional properties of hundreds of ingredients (up to 999). In this way you will not have to provide the data of the ingredients every time you want to formulate; Nutrition will consult them in the registry. Before storing ingredients, lists of nutrients and units of measure must be defined. These lists refer to the nutritional properties that correspond to the ingredients,

for example:

  • 01 PROTEIN %
  • 02 FIBER %
  • 03 CALCIUM %
  • 05 LYSINE %
  • 11 PIGS E.M. MC/KG


Nutrion 5 Pro

If this is the current list of nutrients, then Nutrión will allow you to store the percentages of protein, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, lysine and methionine, as well as the megacalories per kilogram contained in those ingredients that are registered in the Ingredients Registry.
In the list of units of measurement, the keys of any number of units of measurement can be registered, and in the list of nutrients the names of the nutrients can be registered (as long as they do not exceed 250) in the order in which they are listed. want. Also later you can add new data to the lists, or change their names.

Once the above is done, it will be necessary to capture the data related to the nutritional properties of the ingredients that will be used in the formulation work.
This task may seem a bit tedious, but fortunately it will only have to be done once, as the data will be permanently stored in the Ingredient Register. Later the data can be modified, as well as delete ingredients from the registry, or add new ingredients to it.

Nutrión’s main function is to formulate. The formulation process will then be the one that is carried out most frequently. The operation that precedes the formulation process is the statement of the problem, which allows describing and recording on disk the nutritional requirements that the formulas must satisfy (list of nutritional requirements), and the ingredients available to prepare them (list of ingredients usable).

  • Once the problem has been stated, it can be formulated and passed to the Analysis of Results.
  • The Results Analysis is divided into two fundamental sections: Refine Results and Sensitivity Analysis.
  • The Refine Results allows displaying the cost, changing the weight, rounding, and adjusting to the original weight after rounding.
  • The Sensitivity Analysis allows for a cost analysis of restrictions, both for nutrients and ingredients; an analysis of price ranges and opportunity prices; and a function to perform parametric analysis.
  • Finally, the production series tool allows you to process the desired formulas in groups, compare the costs of the formulas in production with those that would be optimal given certain price changes, obtain group reports, calculate the amount of raw material needed to production, identify the price at which an ingredient can be included, modify usable ingredients, and generate reports.