Jetcam Expert Test With Aladdin Hardlock Dongle clone

Jetcam Expert Free nesting benchmark comparison

Improving material nesting efficiency alone by 1 or 2% can often pay for a system in a matter of months before you even take into account savings in machine runtime and programming time.

Complete the form on the right to request a FREE sheet metal nesting benchmark comparison. We’ll ask you to send us your best nest along with the DXFs of included parts and any constraints, and we’ll provide a comparison. You can then calculate (based on your annual material consumption) an approximate saving.

JET-Cut automatic fly cutting and JET-Optimizer

JET-Cut and JET-Optimizer are major steps forward in the automation of laser machines. JET-Cut allows ‘fly cutting’, also known as grid cutting, to be applied to arrays of holes. Unlike other systems, this happens fully automatically. In tests, cut times for complex components are regularly reduced by 25-50%.

JET-Optimizer highly optimizes the sequence of cutting internal holes to minimize machine movements while avoiding travel over already cut holes.

A single hit to the line of hits

Ideal for jobs that have hundreds or thousands of single hits, this new feature optimizes the path of any single hits created during automatic tool placements and then converts single hits with regular spacing into lines of holes, drastically improving the nesting process.

Multi-tool holder logic

Updates to automatic tool assignment logic, ensuring that only used multitool holders are loaded into the turret loading screen, output into generic NC code and output into reports or report data.

High-Performance Nesting (option)

HPN7 includes further enhancements to nesting efficiency, often paying for itself in a matter of weeks in material savings alone. New compaction routines and enhancements to multiprocessor support get the job done quicker and more efficiently. (Note: additional upgrade fee applies).